We are in a Spiritual Transition

Hello Beautiful Soul Family,

During these crazy times, it’s hard to try and bring a message of hope, especially when many, including myself have felt the heartache and sorrow that this virus has brought to so many. Through the shadows of what these times have been drudging up, there is something else that hasn’t come quite into focus yet. I can’t quite describe it yet, but it’s here. It is the light.

These sudden and unforeseen events strangely enough are following the timeline of humanity’s ascension. The human heart opening into a deeper level of light and self-acceptance. No longer continuously seeking, but letting your light shine so brightly, so free of barriers that all is enveloped in it.

I felt this yesterday, and even though I FELT it, it didn’t look pretty. It wasn’t angelic or heavenly in the least. I spent the day alternating between having a huge desire for movement, having deep realizations ALL day, and getting so mad at nothing (just anger coming up through my cellular memory) that I took a bat to some cushion. p.s This is a GREAT way to release anger.

Today I woke up completely exhausted. It is emotionally exhausting to be in a transition. To be in a period of uncertain outcomes. To not know what the world is going to look like in a few months from now. This is the challenge that we face, which means this time right now also has the most potential to be our greatest salvation.

I hate to put bandaids on sorrow and grief. In fact, I get lost in grief about the virus more so these days then I do about the positive outcomes. But something is emerging in my bones. And it feels like freedom. It feels like transcendence. You can only emerge from the ashes of pain when you have spent long enough in it. Like a pressure cooker that is constantly is trying to fix itself. My cells are ready to blow. And something beautiful is on the other side of it.

This virus is calling all of us to let go. We cannot be in control at this time. We have to let our body soften and let the ground hold us. Easier said than done right? I can’t even do this in yoga! Only by letting go can we see what’s on the other side. We can help our inner children feel more comfortable with this transition by soothing the one that feels OUT of control. As with all spiritual transitions, you have the power to do it in the most heart centered way, or in the most forceful way.

I choose to take it slow, to take it easy and to discover what letting go means for the first time in my life. Much like the words ‘surrender’ and ‘let go’ they mean nothing without an inner tug, an inner calling. This calling has arrived. I don’t believe we can white knuckle grip this much longer. We have been doing something in a certain way and we just can’t continue on this way. Earth can’t continue on this way.

Most transitions for me are vague and abstract. I apologize for not being more specific. It’s much too early for that. But I so often report once i’m on the other side, that I have a new desire to report from inside the hazy fog itself. All I know, is that we will be transitioning into something greater. Something that we know inside was what our awakening process has been preparing us for. Something that takes time and has different facets to it- but inevitably will lead to a deeper feeling of freedom and peace within.

Symptoms that I have been feeling include:

  • extreme exhaustion

  • even more emotions coming up to be dissolved into the light

  • a desire to fully emerge as the light & shine

  • a call to do hours and hours of yin yoga

  • traumatic body memories re-surfacing

  • a desire to move and be body focused and breathe focused

  • loss of libido or sexual desire

  • loss of desire in my phone and in texting (I have been in and out of this for almost a year)

  • loss of desire to reach out and seek connection right now

  • tired of victim/ abuse cycle that I’ve played out my entire life and ready to give it up

  • tired of transactional giving and taking and having to protect myself against the taking

  • a desire to seek out moments of gratitude more than ever before

  • lack of desire in trying to ‘fix myself’ (this has arisen in just the last 12 hours)

  • frustration with the systems at be (both external and internal as in the way I always do things)

  • loss of interest in my routine/ regular activities

  • extreme tension in jaw

  • Huge desire to let go but noticing that something in me doesn’t want to do that

As with all transitions in your life- remember that every event, every person, every obstacle, is here for your benefit. Most everything brutal, unfair and full of despair has allowed people to grow in exponential ways. You might feel an initial stirring. It may begin as fear, but this is just further evidence that something is deeply shifting. There are no calls to action at this time. My only advice is to treat this time as a quarantine period for your transitioning body. Give it nourishment, and care take any fear, grief, sorrow or resistance that might arise.

Good luck. Lightworkers - it’s time. <3 <3

Laura Torres Harwood