A complete list of all my Kundalini Awakening Symptoms

Physical Symptoms

A quick note on “physical” symptoms: I believe that most of these symptoms are unconscious emotions that are making their way into consciousness. Many if not all physical symptoms resolve or shift over time. This energy begins to make it’s way into something that can be processed and transmuted. If you are going through the real painful and visceral physicality of an awakening, hang in there. Your experience is very real and it will transition into a different phase. The best tip I have for you is to give the symptoms enough time to work themselves out. If your emotional plate isn’t already overloaded then get curious about what these symptoms might be about. Ask it directly. If it had a voice, what would it say? If you are already overwhelmed then trust the timing of it all. Allow them to slowly unfurl and unfold at their own pace. It will be over soon.

  • Severe and relentless tingling (almost like being tasered) up and down my spine (became worse at night time or when my body is resting)

  • Electrical tingling in all areas of my body- lasted for 2 years and then began to dissipate/ integrate

  • Other types of sensations: feeling like something is moving inside of you, feeling like energy is moving through you like a power washer, shooting energies around your body, shaking and trembling

  • Big heart expansions as if my chest was being stretched open and my heart field was opening

  • Severe heat in hands

  • Spontaneous movements of the body (kriya) that would begin with moving my body in a spiral or head jerking during meditation. At times twisting my body into into strange positions for the purpose of targetting a muscle.

  • Heavy mental fog that had me spaced out for long portions of the day

  • Very intense fatigue that lasted for years

  • Heart palpitations

  • Extreme body restlessness (especially at night). Lots of discomfort to be in my own body.

  • Felt like my body was constantly being electrocuted or on fire within my meridians.

  • Period stopped for 3/4 months

  • Gaining lots of weight. The weight felt like a grounding tool for all of the intense spiritual energy. I chose to do that with food because nothing else worked. I also binged (this was never a behavior prior) during the worst of times because I was using food as an outlet for my suffering.

  • Ringing in my ears

  • Shortness of breath

  • Tingling in head and finding lumps and bumps that would appear/disappear on my skull

  • Nausea

  • Muscle knots and energetic blockages

  • Dizzy spells

  • Feelings of pleasant and loving energy throughout the body

  • Rashes & skin changes

  • Physical appearance changed many times throughout the first few months of awakening (facial & physical distortions)

  • Change in sleep patterns (over sleeping & insomnia)

  • Buddha Belly. My stomach expanded more than ever. Big bloated belly.

Behavioral changes

  • Lost interest in talking and spent a few months barely speaking.

  • Began heavy interest in creating things (intense surge of creative energy). This manifested into writing, dancing, drawing & then transitioned into a youtube channel. I also went through long periods with no creativity whatsoever.

  • Retreated socially in a big way. Entered solitude for a few years with the exception of close family members.

  • Began obsessive interest and drive (with a sense of urgency) towards spirituality and emotional healing topics

  • Dropped all of my current interests and lost motivation for the things that once brought me joy. This shifted and all my true desires returned.

  • Loss of focus. Could barely finish movies and lost the concentration to read

  • Interests shifted to love/ self improvement/ healing/god

  • Strong desire to speak the truth. Truth, authenticity, honesty were values that became extremely important.

  • Felt called to wean off SSRI (antidepressants)

  • Lost the interest to put energy into friendships that meant a lot to me

  • Overwhelmed very easily by people talking around me

  • Losing interest in technology. Wanting to be off of my laptop, the internet, social media.

  • Inability to entertain or fake my emotional state

  • Staring therapy 3 years ago with a holistic psychotherapist. Had the desire to go all in with someone I trusted to help guide me. This helped tremendously because I was trying to wade through the emotional upheavels on my own.

  • Acting out stages of development but being conscious of it (example: feling like i’m a 2 year old having a tantrum or a child that needs to be cradled).

  • Bouts of promiscuity or celibacy as I tried to understand how to move sexually in the world post kundalini. Lots of experimentation in this realm and making “mistakes” in order to learn what is my truth and what is good for me rather than what societal shame tell us is right.

  • Along the last note a deep desire to experiment with things, with extremes. Approaching things as a scientist in order to figure out what truly does ‘work’. Becoming who you are not in order to learn who you are.

  • Getting heavily medically tested including multiple MRI’s etc. to make sure that what I was going through wasn’t an illness. I was very paranoid and worried I was making it all up and this was actually a medical illness. I believed it had to be a brain tumor or multiple sclerosis. All tests came back clear.

  • Compulsive need to document each healing experience that occurs throughout this awakening in my journals.

  • Amplifications of sight and physical & energetic sensitivities

  • A range of physical pains that will change constantly

Emotional Symptoms

A quick note on emotional symptoms: I don’t believe that the awakening adds anything onto your plate that isn’t already yours. All these emotions are yours, or your families, or past lives, or ancestral but they are part of what your emotional energy is holding. That being said, the initial awakening can be very traumatic for some. It can be too much too fast. Everything else is what already existed within you.

  • Over the course of 7 years thousands and thousands of dormant feelings/ parts and memories arising. At times I’d have to do multiple emotional healings a day; during slower times it’s multiple times a week.

  • Emotional rollercoasters happening daily with “old” stuff coming up. (Example: moving from intense anger and hatred to heart opening gratitude to sadness in the span of 30 minutes.)

  • Crying every day in pain & deep bouts of suffering because of the physical intensity of emotions arising.

  • Scared of ‘losing myself’ if I ‘let go’

  • Began finding points/doorways in my body that if pressed on would lead to big emotional releases. This is actually how I found amanae and began learning emotional release therapy because the points correlated with what I was mapping in my own body.

  • Uncontrollable crying

  • Emotions would come up with no ability to separate myself from the part having them. The emotion would rather just take over. Took many years to be able to hold space for these emotions in a way that I could bring these parts peace.

  • Triggered by everything- my life became very small because everything scared me

  • Intensified social anxiety that comes in waves and is more intense in some periods of my life. I already had this issue for many years prior to awakening. The awakening brought it up in a way I couldn’t fake or suppress.

  • Being able to feel what is in the subconscious of others. This has been hard for me to figure out over the years. I would have many intuitive hits about what people’s shadow was feeling towards me or what their intentions were and they weren’t fully aware of it because it was unconscious. This has saved me from a lot of people that weren’t right for me. It is now why I focus my friendships & connections on who I meet organically in real life. This way I can also get a better reading with this power. Alternatively I’ve also felt the opposite: pure clear intentions and feelings of safety in my body around someone and this helps me discern who I can let in very close vs. not.

  • Losing myself in relationships due to my attachment parts taking over. Intense emotional mirroring in any partnership post awakening that made relationships very difficult for me to bare (constantly completely overwhelmed).

  • Body dysmorphia

  • Seasonal depression. I didn’t have this pre-awakening but I do believe it’s also part of the deeper connection to the earth and the cyclical seasons.

  • Hormonal issues. Especially a deep dark depression prior to, or at the beginning of my period. I always had this but it intensified immensely post awakening.

  • Moments of confidence and long bouts of low confidence and insecurity

  • Feeling completely exiled from the world because of what you’ve been through and because of how it manifests (hard to fit in etc)

  • In the very beginning of my awakening I was so confused by what was happening I often would think that something totally rational could explain what was happening but this became almost paranoia/irrational (example: its the water from the well, my birth control, mercury poisoning). I just kept trying to find something that would explain this sudden life shift without fully embracing reality in the sense that the spiritual reasoning WAS reality.

  • Intensity of compulsive thinking and OCD parts that ran the show. I have been diagnosed with this disorder and it runs in my family. Compulsions are usually around whether or not I’m a bad person and doing things that make me feel safe or I don’t feel right.

  • A fear of being crazy, of what was happening to me making me an outcast or someone who was totally insane and not being believed.

  • Lots of increased relational problems with family members & friends also followed by breakthrough moments where a past truth comes out or a deep healing has occurred or been transmuted. This beautiful moments have happened with multiple siblings as well as my mother and father.

  • Feelings of hopelessness and or suicidal thoughts

Spiritual/ energetic symptoms

  • Feeling energy field from the outside of my body. The top of my head and my auric field. I could touch and feel this energy.

  • Vivid dreams

  • Energy tingling a foot above my head

  • Would wake up constantly with insights/guidance/downloads

  • Entering the ‘void’ almost similar to a depression where you lose a sense of ego and became vacant

  • Super heightened sensitivity to everything around me: sound, noise and touch

  • Constantly feeling like I am swimming in a multitude of energies

  • Noticing 11:11 constantly a year prior to my awakening and continuing on with number synchronicities throughout the years

  • Events happening that change your entire life

  • Yearning and craving for spirituality in all areas of your life

  • Mentors and advice appearing at the right times

  • Constant synchronicities that would guide me to each right step or hard lesson

  • All chakras being ‘worked on’ with energy moving through, coming up, re-arranging, constantly. I don’t find that the regular myth of “bottom up” chakra openings to occur in any of my clients. Personally, energy moved all over the place with no rhyme, reason, pattern or organization but rather from a deep higher power intelligence that I can not try and classify.

  • Integrity increases and becomes extremely important

  • Moments of oneness, knowing what’s happening is a huge blessing, loving feelings

  • Needing lots and lots of energetic integration time after any emotional clearing

  • Seeing and communicating with beings of other dimensions during meditations

  • Seeing rainbows/ colors/ HD technicolor type of 5D vision

  • Sensing space/time completely differently

  • Having the sense that ‘more of me’ was moving into my body than ever before

  • The sense that this entire journey is to gain empowerment and love

  • Heightened and increase intuition that continues to this day

  • A purpose opening up where I began to follow the breadcrumbs that led naturally to a career in the healing field

  • A battle between my deep intuition and my psychological parts and not knowing which one is speaking at the time etc. but the increase in intuition gets more and more fine tuned to this day as I keep trial and error testing it out and understanding where that voice is coming from.

  • Deep longing for a family (okay this one is just a regular ole' human biological clock but there is an added spiritual element to the desire to have a family- a purpose and knowing that motherhood will be a spiritual initiation in my path)

  • A deep connection to nature that will come and go

  • Moments of intense sexual energy or none at all

  • Acting out your trauma and receiving situations that the universe sends for you to heal. For example continuing attracting situations that mirror your weak boundaries, situations that are almost exactly like past traumas or relationships that mirror early childhood dynamics. These lessons become so apparent and are so divinely planned and mirror the exact emotional debris coming up (it gets creepy accurate)

  • Deep interest in emotional or spiritual tools and practice

  • Spiritual intuition to move to Asheville to be in nature and in a holistic community type of town

  • Pleiadian & higher power connections/ portals/ communications/ guidances

  • A desire to develop an intimate connection to god and to be able to surrender to something higher

  • Moments where I felt divinely loved and felt I could see who I truly was despite all the human pain. Otherwise known as being in “SELF”.

  • Visions of the future when receiving amanae

  • Intense gratitude cycled by a deep need to consciously complain about how shit everything is/was.

  • A feeling there was going to be a mass awakening or we were in a spiritual transition that was global

  • Many inner children/ parts/ angels/ visiting me during emotional healings & psychic emotional surgeries (ex. an energetic being helping me heal).

  • A deep sense of being led by destiny or by breadcrumbs and divine guidance in your life

  • Oscillating between the joy of your soul that is awakening and the fear of the ego (parts).

  • Knowing that all will be well and everything is here to help me

  • Sensing the unconscious exiled parts in others before they theymselves were conscious of them

  • Becoming an energetic transmuter which means wherever I go I transmute for the collective. This also simultaneously heals me because it is touching on that emotional density within my own body and I get to heal it for all, layer by layer.

Laura Torres Harwood